African Landscape

Generation Tusk

For the Next Generation of Tusk Supporters!

Generation Tusk is a group of committed next generation supporters with a real drive to promote conservation across Africa. It is run by a small committee of young professionals, keen to organise events with the mission of raising vital funds for projects supported by Tusk and determined to spread awareness of the challenges facing Africa’s people, habitat and wildlife today.

We aim to create a strong community of next generation conservationists who are committed to raise funds for Tusk’s projects across Africa.

To become part of Generation Tusk and be kept up to date with news and events, please follow us on Instagram.

For any further information about how you can get involved, please email

We very much look forward to see you at our upcoming events!

Harry Skeggs is Generation Tusk’s Affiliated Photographer. Check out his Instagram here.


Meet the Generation Tusk Committee

Gwen Audran

I have followed Tusk’s work for a number of years and was lucky enough to visit some of their projects in Kenya a few years ago. Since then, I’ve been committed to keep pushing Tusk’s efforts, notably via our incredible network of supporters. I was thrilled to join the Generation Tusk committee and can’t wait for what’s to come. I guess this means I need to run the Lewa marathon now - although friends would tell you I’ve been saying this for years….

Gwen Audran
Athene St John

I have always been fascinated by wildlife conservation across Africa, having strong family ties to South Africa. I came across Tusk a few years ago and was blown away by their vision and impressive track record. I am excited and proud to be a part of Generation Tusk, working alongside like-minded individuals and promoting meaningful change across the continent.

Athene St John
Camille Barton

When my running obsessed Dad managed to persuade me to do the Lewa Half Marathon in 2019, I was nervous, but it ended up being one of the best experiences of my life and I have since been back to run again. My trips to Lewa have been amazing for so many reasons but some of the stand out moments have been seeing the community projects and conservation efforts Tusk are supporting. Seeing the real impact Tusk is having for people and wildlife on the ground in Kenya and the rest of Africa has fuelled my passion for sustainable conservation and community development. Having the opportunity to work with other like-minded individuals on the Generation Tusk team was therefore an incredible chance I couldn’t let pass by! As a recent University graduate, I am really looking forward to expanding Tusk’s outreach among passionate young people.

Camille Barton
 Ellie Stoneham

Africa has always been an incredibly special place for me. I’ve been privileged to spend a lot of time across the continent and I’ve been inspired by the amazing wildlife, beautiful landscapes and incredible people I met. I first got involved with Tusk in 2016 when I joined the team at work running the Lewa Safaricom Marathon. It was a hugely eye opening experience, getting to see first hand several of their projects on the ground, the significant impact they are having both in protecting the wildlife for future generations but also in supporting the local communities. Since then, I’ve been actively seeking to get more involved with Tusk, first through our corporate fundraising effort and now as part of the Generation Tusk Team. It’s a great way to connect with like-mind people who are passionate about the cause, to learn more about the current projects and about what else we can do.

Ellie Stoneham
Tamsin Dodsworth

I am passionate about conservation so am thrilled to be part of the Generation Tusk team. I am a vet student who has completed an intercalated year in geography, so I am in awe of Tusk’s work from the fine details to the community level.

Tamsin Dodsworth
Katy Roxburgh

After graduating I embarked on a career in political communications and campaigning, but conservation had always been a personal passion of mine and I wanted to find a way to combine that with my work. Being introduced to Tusk, and learning more about their African-led, community-driven work was a huge motivation to make that happen. Now nearly 10 years later working with governments, Indigenous People, and local communities to drive the protection of nature is my bread and butter. That’s why I’m so excited to have the chance to work with Generation Tusk to inspire the next generation of supporters.

Katy Roxburgh

How to help

  • Donate

    With your generous support, Tusk can, and will, continue to make a lasting difference for the wildlife and people of Africa.

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  • Fundraise

    There are lots of fun and fantastic ways to get involved and raise much needed funds for Tusk and our work in Africa. We’re here to support you along the way…

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  • Subscribe

    We would love to keep you up to date with news from our projects, events, fundraising campaigns and more. Please join our mailing list to receive our news by email.

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