
Tusk Trust - The Malilangwe Trust 2

The Malilangwe Trust

The Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve, a former cattle ranch restored as a wildlife area since the 1980s, is managed by the Malilangwe Trust for biodiversity conservation, community development and sustainable ecotourism.

Safaricom Marathon - Mount Kenya and Runners

Safaricom Marathon 2019 - 20th Anniversary

“One of the top ten races to run in your life.” -- Runner’s World

Tusk’s Safaricom Marathon, organised in partnership with Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, is regarded as one of the world’s top ten marathons. This unique event has raised millions of dollars since 2000 to fund Tusk's wildlife conservation, community development, education and healthcare initiatives across Kenya.

Tusk Trust - Mali Elephant Project © Carlton Ward

Mali Elephant Project

Established in 2003, the Mali Elephant Project (MEP) protects a unique population of 550 sub-desert elephants.

Elephant Close Up

Tusk and others call for a TOTAL ban on UK ivory sales

Tusk is among almost 100 wildlife conservationists, biologists, wildlife trade experts, MPs and others that have sent an open letter calling on the British Government to implement a total ban on the ivory trade within the UK, and to continue taking a strong lead in the battle to stop the illegal wildlife trade.

Tusk Garden - Woburn Safari Park May 2018 main

Woburn 'Not For Sale' Garden

Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire has created a new home for Tusk’s striking ‘Not For Sale’ garden. This unique exhibit was designed to raise awareness of the devastating slaughter of endangered African elephant populations for the ivory trade.

Introducing 2021 Prince William Award Winner, Simson Uri-Khob

Simson is the CEO of the Save the Rhino Trust, having worked with the organisation for 30 years. His work has supported efforts to bring back the desert-adapted black rhino from the brink of extinction. Today, rhino numbers have increased and conservancies are supported to employ locally-recruited rangers, provide education and health improvements and help for farmers.

Bolt by Jaydeep Patil

Year of the Lion Photo Winners Unveiled

Tusk's Year of the Lion photo competition in association with Photocrowd ran throughout July, and to mark World Lion Day, the results can now be announced!

Ranger team

Runners Worldwide Unite To Support Wildlife Rangers

For the second year running, 125 ranger organisations and almost 1,000 public supporters from 82 countries joined together last weekend in the Wildlife Ranger Challenge, raising money and awareness of the struggles facing wildlife rangers across Africa.

Introducing Tusk Award 2022 Finalist Dismas Partalala

Dismas, a Maasai from the Loliondo district, is a true grassroots conservationist. In his role as a programme coordinator for Ujamaa Community Resource Team, the 48-year-old self-taught conservationist has been instrumental in securing land rights for the local Hadzabe community, with 100,500 hectares of land secured by law since 2011.