
Ride4Rangers image by Jean Wayo

Africa Travel Industry Launches Ride4Rangers Challenge

The Ride4Rangers Challenge has been launched by the UK Africa travel industry in partnership with Tusk as part of the Wildlife Ranger Challenge, to raise vital funds to support rangers, the first line of defence in protecting Africa’s endangered species. The initiative will see the travel industry cumulatively cycle 30,000 km - the equivalent of cycling around Africa.

Prince William’s Wildlife Ranger Hero Announced

The Tusk Wildlife Ranger Award winner has just been announced as Benson Kanyembo, Law Enforcement Advisor from Conservation South Luangwa, Zambia. Benson will be awarded the ‘Conservation Oscar’ at The Tusk Conservation Awards 2019, in partnership with Investec Asset Management. The Awards take place at a glittering ceremony on 21 November at London's Empire Cinema, Leicester Square.

Tusk Trust - Community Centred Conservation Dugong sea turtle sketch

Community Centred Conservation

Community Centred Conservation (C3) is an international network of grassroots marine conservation initiatives.